MedCallRx Welcomes New Chief Customer Officer

MedCallRx is pleased to announce the addition of a new chief customer officer, Anita Breedlove, who joined the Care Services, LLC team at the end of March. Anita brings more than 25 years of health care and executive leadership experience to the position, including extensive experience leading high performing sales and account management teams.

In her role as chief customer officer, Anita will oversee the client services teams providing pharmacy and delivery services to the company’s clients to help ensure satisfaction with all services.

“I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to meet with our pharmacy clients and provide an additional level of support to support their needs,” said Anita. “As COVID vaccines continue to be administered and the country begins to return to normalcy, our regional account managers and I are starting to meet with customers again in person, while also providing remote support anytime it’s needed. We’re always available and we encourage our clients to call us to discuss how we can help support or grow their pharmacy business during this trying time for many companies.”

With the addition of Anita to the leadership team, Xanthe Neal has moved into a new position, executive vice president of strategic initiatives. In this role, Xanthe is working closely with Anita and Terry Ramey, the company’s chief operating officer, to oversee the company’s corporate business strategy. Leveraging her previous role as head of account management and sales, Xanthe continues her work to understand customer needs and develop programs to enhance the company’s service offerings, while also driving efficiencies and improved service delivery.

MedCallRx continues to invest in its leadership team and employees as part of the company’s commitment to providing a high level of service to clients. To learn more about the company’s leadership team, please visit http://medcallrx.comleadership/.