About MedCall Rx

This author MedCall Rx has created 28 entries.

Approval for Most Anticipated New Drug Release of 2021 Pushed Back to June 2021

In February, 2021, Fierce Pharma released its report of the 10 most-anticipated drug launches of 2021, which ranks drugs based on predicted global sales through 2026. The report’s most anticipated drug is aducanumab, which is produced by Biogen and Eisai for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The drug’s release, however, is still awaiting approval – or rejection – by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is significant debate over whether the drug makes a difference in Alzheimer patients

MedCallRx Welcomes New Chief Customer Officer

MedCallRx is pleased to announce the addition of a new chief customer officer, Anita Breedlove, who joined the Care Services, LLC team at the end of March. Anita brings more than 25 years of health care and executive leadership experience to the position, including extensive experience leading high performing sales and account management teams. In her role as chief customer officer, Anita will oversee the client services teams providing pharmacy and delivery services to the company’s clients to help ensure

Nursing Homes News: COVID-19 Cases Decline, Occupancy Ticks up Slightly, Staffing Concerns Continue

On March 30, 2021, the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL), issued a new report showing a 96% decline in new COVID-19 cases in nursing homes between the disease’s peak in December 20, 2020 through March 7, 2021. Correspondingly, there has been a 91% decline in COVID-related deaths during the same time period. The reported rate of decline in nursing homes is significant, especially compared to the general population, which only saw a 72% decline in COVID

Employee Spotlight: Shannon Wilson Brown

In 2016, Shannon Wilson Brown joined the Care Services family of companies as a senior research analyst in our Complete Delivery Solution division. The role was perfect for Shannon, combining her enjoyment of data analytics and corporate strategy to support a division that operates 24x7x365 to connect its vast driver network with its clients to support medication delivery. “I love learning, which is why I’ve enjoyed working at Care Services. I’ve been fortunate to work in a variety of roles across

Data Privacy Day – January 28, 2021

Data Privacy Day is a day set aside to increase awareness of privacy and data protection for consumers and organizations. DPD began in Europe to commemorate the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection signed on January 28, 1981. In 2008, the United States and Canada joined Europe in recognizing Data Privacy Day. This day serves as a good reminder for consumers and organizations to review privacy and data protections. We sat down with Care Services’ CIO, Jeff

Employee Spotlight: Gwen Bourgeois

Although Gwen Bourgeois has spent more than 30 years in the corporate world, she sometimes wonders what life would have been like to have pursued her childhood ambition to become a professional singer. Thankfully – at least for Care Services clients – Gwen started her professional career in the corporate world and has never looked back! For most of her career, Gwen has worked in customer service or client-facing roles where she has enjoyed providing quality support to policyholders, or to

Employee Spotlight: Dan Dodd

Dan never anticipated that he’d work in sales or account management roles after receiving his degree in occupational therapy and working as an occupational therapist for ten years, but that’s where his career led him and he’s happy he made the switch. “Whether treating patients hands-on or being a supplier of medical equipment or ancillary services, I understand the importance of prompt and proper treatment.” – Dan Dodd, regional account manager, Care Services, LLC Dan’s years as an occupational therapist helped him to

Drugs Going Off Patent in 2021

Between 2011 – 2016, the pharmaceutical industry experienced the first “patent cliff.” Over this five-year period, hundreds of billions of big pharma company sales lost patent protection. While 2021 doesn’t have near the impact of a “patent cliff” year, there are still some anticipated patent expirations that will make an impact in 2021. Following are drugs expected to lose patent protection in 2021: Brand Generic Use Anticipated Release Backup Utilization* Amitiza lubiprostone Constipation RJan 2021 Yes Sutent sunitinib Kidney cancer Feb 2021 No Tarceva erlotinib Lung & pancreatic cancer May 2021 No Perforomist formoterol Asthma & COPD Jun 2021 Yes Brilinta ticagrelor Heart attack & stroke Jul 2021 Yes Selzentry maraviroc HIV Aug 2021 No Atripla efavirenz /

Myth #4: Backup Pharmacy Partners Can’t Help You Grow

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time for the Myth Busters team at MedCallRx to dispel the final misperception of backup pharmacy in 2020. This month, we’ll examine whether backup pharmacy partners can help long-term care pharmacies grow. But before we do that, it’s important to understand the history of backup pharmacy partners. The term “backup pharmacy” began a long time ago to appropriately describe the function retail pharmacies provided to closed-door or long-term care (LTC) pharmacies – to

Make a Plan to Enjoy the Holidays

December is here – it’s fun and festive…and hectic and challenging. The holidays at the end of the year are meant to bring loved ones together, to share goodwill and cheer, yet the challenges of getting everything accomplished at work and at home have increased stress less so much that 88% of Americans feel the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year. While many businesses shut down or go dormant over the holiday season,