Nationwide Initiative Leads to Big Drops in Antibiotic Prescribing A nationwide initiative nearly halved inappropriate antibiotic prescribing at the 389 ambulatory care settings participating in the program. Created by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the initiative educated prescribers and patients alike about appropriate antibiotic prescribing and encouraged greater use of best prescribing practices. Read More   Prepare Now for the Digital Health Revolution If recent trends are any indication, digital health is now a mainstream market. Funding for digital health startups

Backup Pharmacy Supports Inventory Management

Boost Profits by Having a Backup Partner Ready When your pharmacy shelves overflow with product surpluses, cash flow slows down. You know all too well that there’s a careful balance between keeping enough inventory on hand and stockpiling. As a backup pharmacy provider, we help pharmacies maximize inventory management strategies by providing a viable safety net in case inventory runs out, you experience backorders from your wholesaler, or to avoid purchasing higher cost, lower frequency medications that run the risk

Celebrating American Pharmacist Month

Throughout October, we celebrate American Pharmacist Month. This month is focused on commemorating pharmacists and the pharmacy team. Every day pharmacists make a significant impact on the patients they serve and provide exceptional contributions to the health care industry. It is the perfect time for pharmacy departments to celebrate their accomplishments in providing safe and effective medication use and excellent patient care. Gratitude is special and does not go unnoticed. Pharmacists work hard to provide appropriate care to their patients every

Backup Pharmacies Can Support Inventory Management and Save You Money

When your pharmacy shelves overflow with product surpluses, cash flow slows down. You know all too well that there’s a careful balance between keeping enough inventory on hand and stockpiling.  As a backup pharmacy provider, we help pharmacies maximize inventory management strategies by providing a viable safety net in case inventory runs out, you experience backorders from your wholesaler, or to help you avoid purchasing higher cost, lower frequency medications that run the

They’re not just orders. They’re medications for patients in need.

When a long-term care facility places a medication order, they depend on you to fill the order quickly to support patient care and maintain compliance with CMS standards of care requirements. Delays disrupt workflows and cause additional administrative work for the long-term care facilities you serve and for you. So when you choose to place a backup pharmacy order, you need a company that can deliver. Impact on your business After placing a backup pharmacy order, have you ever

Approval for Most Anticipated New Drug Release of 2021 Pushed Back to June 2021

In February, 2021, Fierce Pharma released its report of the 10 most-anticipated drug launches of 2021, which ranks drugs based on predicted global sales through 2026. The report’s most anticipated drug is aducanumab, which is produced by Biogen and Eisai for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The drug’s release, however, is still awaiting approval – or rejection – by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is significant debate over whether the drug makes a difference in Alzheimer patients

MedCallRx Welcomes New Chief Customer Officer

MedCallRx is pleased to announce the addition of a new chief customer officer, Anita Breedlove, who joined the Care Services, LLC team at the end of March. Anita brings more than 25 years of health care and executive leadership experience to the position, including extensive experience leading high performing sales and account management teams. In her role as chief customer officer, Anita will oversee the client services teams providing pharmacy and delivery services to the company’s clients to help ensure

Nursing Homes News: COVID-19 Cases Decline, Occupancy Ticks up Slightly, Staffing Concerns Continue

On March 30, 2021, the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL), issued a new report showing a 96% decline in new COVID-19 cases in nursing homes between the disease’s peak in December 20, 2020 through March 7, 2021. Correspondingly, there has been a 91% decline in COVID-related deaths during the same time period. The reported rate of decline in nursing homes is significant, especially compared to the general population, which only saw a 72% decline in COVID

MedCallRx Prepared as Winter Storms Move Across U.S.

Care Services is closely monitoring current weather situations as two major winter storms. forecasted for this week are expected to produce heavy snowfall and ice across much of the United States. If you are in the path of the storm, we hope you stay safe and warm as this weather event moves through our nation. As part of our commitment to you, and the patients you serve, we are making preparations to help you minimize any disruption

Drugs Going Off Patent in 2021

Between 2011 – 2016, the pharmaceutical industry experienced the first “patent cliff.” Over this five-year period, hundreds of billions of big pharma company sales lost patent protection. While 2021 doesn’t have near the impact of a “patent cliff” year, there are still some anticipated patent expirations that will make an impact in 2021. Following are drugs expected to lose patent protection in 2021: Brand Generic Use Anticipated Release Backup Utilization* Amitiza lubiprostone Constipation RJan 2021 Yes Sutent sunitinib Kidney cancer Feb 2021 No Tarceva erlotinib Lung & pancreatic cancer May 2021 No Perforomist formoterol Asthma & COPD Jun 2021 Yes Brilinta ticagrelor Heart attack & stroke Jul 2021 Yes Selzentry maraviroc HIV Aug 2021 No Atripla efavirenz /