Make a Plan to Enjoy the Holidays

December is here – it’s fun and festive…and hectic and challenging. The holidays at the end of the year are meant to bring loved ones together, to share goodwill and cheer, yet the challenges of getting everything accomplished at work and at home have increased stress less so much that 88% of Americans feel the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year.

While many businesses shut down or go dormant over the holiday season, pharmacies don’t receive a respite, which can make the holidays even more stressful for pharmacists. LTC and nursing facilities are typically busy as well, frequently manage bed holds (and associated medication needs) and the typical surge in illnesses and prescription volume that come during late fall and winter.

According to Namely, a full-service HR platform provider, employees take the longest duration of vacation during the summer months but request time off twice as often in December than in almost any other month. It’s can be hard for pharmacists to work when kids are out of school while also contending with the time needed to prepare for the holidays. All of this can contribute to staffing challenges in pharmacies.

The holidays are one of the best times of the year to rely on a backup pharmacy partner that operates 24x7x365. In fact, most pharmacies do. MedCallRx historically sees an increase in prescription volume during the holidays as pharmacies take advantage of the extra support needed to ensure timely fulfillment to facility residents. As you’re making plans for your holiday season, remember to include your backup pharmacy partner. MedCallRx will be working around-the-clock to make help you enjoy the holidays.