Backup Pharmacies Can Support Inventory Management and Save You Money

When your pharmacy shelves overflow with product surpluses, cash flow slows down. You know all too well that there’s a careful balance between keeping enough inventory on hand and stockpiling. 

As a backup pharmacy provider, we help pharmacies maximize inventory management strategies by providing a viable safety net in case inventory runs out, you experience backorders from your wholesaler, or to help you avoid purchasing higher cost, lower frequency medications that run the risk of expiring before use. 

Not only do we provide backup pharmacy and delivery services, but we provide reports that detail what medications are sent to backup. These reports can be used to make changes to future pharmacy inventory in your store or for your automatic dispensing units. Now that’s just smart business. 

Contact Care Services to learn more about our backup pharmacy services. As the nation’s largest backup pharmacy provider, we have the experience and expertise to help.