Labor Day Origins

Labor Day

Don’t forget

Did you know that Labor Day dates back to 1882? The holiday is attributed to the 19th century organized labor movement and grew from city and state celebrations to a federal holiday in a short span of 12 years.

New York City is credited as the birthplace of the Labor Day holiday. In September 1882, New York City labor unions held a parade as a sign of unity for all unions and to celebrate their members. More than 20,000 people attended, but they had to give up their day’s wages to attend. This first event was a festive gathering and soon other regions started having their own celebrations.

By 1887, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Colorado had made Labor Day a state holiday. Over the next seven years, nearly every other state followed suit.

In 1894, Sen. James Henderson Kyle of South Dakota introduced an act to establish Labor Day as a federal holiday occurring on the first Monday of September. Later that year, President Grover Cleveland signed the act into law, and Labor Day has been a federal legal holiday ever since.

While early celebrations were marked by parades, today’s festivities have largely been replaced by outdoor celebrations with family and friends. Due to the coronavirus health pandemic, Labor Day celebrations this year will likely be celebrated differently than in years past, but regardless of HOW we celebrate, the reason WHY we celebrate hasn’t changed: to celebrate workers and provide a day of rest.

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