Executive Outlook 2022: Creativity and Flexibility are Key Amidst Worsening Staffing Crisis

January 2, 2022

Though some nursing home owners had hoped to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind them by the end of 2021, coronavirus variants and the exacerbated staffing shortages have made that impossible for most heading into 2022.

If this year has taught the sector anything, it’s that some threats to long-term care won’t be as temporary as many had hoped.

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When We Incentivize Treatment Over Outcomes, People Suffer

October 31, 2021

Our health ecosystem is vast and siloed. Payers, providers, product innovators, and policymakers should be rallying to the needs of patients, but the reality is quite different. Policies and economics drive decisions, and sometimes the result is that our nation’s most vulnerable populations are placed at risk. In this special interview, we explore the essential role of long-term pharmacies in the health care system — a role far different and more complex than that of consumer-facing retail pharmacies.

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