Drugs Going Off Patent in 2021

Between 2011 – 2016, the pharmaceutical industry experienced the first “patent cliff.” Over this five-year period, hundreds of billions of big pharma company sales lost patent protection. While 2021 doesn’t have near the impact of a “patent cliff” year, there are still some anticipated patent expirations that will make an impact in 2021. Following are drugs expected to lose patent protection in 2021: Brand Generic Use Anticipated Release Backup Utilization* Amitiza lubiprostone Constipation RJan 2021 Yes Sutent sunitinib Kidney cancer Feb 2021 No Tarceva erlotinib Lung & pancreatic cancer May 2021 No Perforomist formoterol Asthma & COPD Jun 2021 Yes Brilinta ticagrelor Heart attack & stroke Jul 2021 Yes Selzentry maraviroc HIV Aug 2021 No Atripla efavirenz /