Myth #4: Backup Pharmacy Partners Can’t Help You Grow

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time for the Myth Busters team at MedCallRx to dispel the final misperception of backup pharmacy in 2020. This month, we’ll examine whether backup pharmacy partners can help long-term care pharmacies grow. But before we do that, it’s important to understand the history of backup pharmacy partners. The term “backup pharmacy” began a long time ago to appropriately describe the function retail pharmacies provided to closed-door or long-term care (LTC) pharmacies – to

Myth #3: Antibiotics and Opioid Analgesics are the Top Utilized Backup Pharmacy Drugs

The Myth Busters team at MedCallRx is back again to debunk another common misperception of backup pharmacy. This month we tackle the myth that antibiotics and opioid analgesics are the top utilized backup pharmacy drugs. Surprisingly, while antibiotics are sometimes sent to backup pharmacy, they don’t rank in the top 10 list of medications, and opioid analgesics used to manage pain, only ranks ninth by overall prescription count. So, what are the most common medications sent to backup pharmacy partners? In this

Myth #1: Backup Pharmacy is Only for After Hours, Holidays or Emergency Fills

A common misperception held by long-term care pharmacists is that backup pharmacy is most frequently utilized outside of normal business hours, on weekends, or holidays. In fact, across our book of business 67% of our backup pharmacy requests occur between 9 am and 9 pm, and more than 90% of requests occur between Monday through Friday! While overnight, weekend, and holiday backup pharmacy services are important, our weekday services during normal business hours are most frequently utilized. Backup pharmacy services are being used